I'm nearing the end of my quest to have all the minis required to run The Wolf Time campaign. I could have taken the easy way out and just used proxies, but it wouldn't be the same now would it :)
If you have a look back at when I started this madness you can see the list of minis that I wanted to have. Well, the
Space Wolves component of this project have now been officially completed!
And here they all are, broken down into their respective units. Note: to differentiate the squads from each other I painted a coloured stripe down their helmets, so as to help me identify them on the tabletop a little easier. And as an added bonus (and more importantly) it makes them look cooler :)
First up are the three Tac squads, yellow stripe;
Second, the two Dev squads, white stripe;
Lastly, the single Assault squad, white stripe with black banding;
Here are the individual squad Sergeants, with their respective squad markings on their legs. Coz it would have looked dumb if I painted the stripe down their faces :P
And here's a shot of the whole gang, chillin;
A close up of one of my favorite Sergeants, because I can :)
Great for picking his nose it is! |
Having a look back at my "to-do list" of the minis that I needed to play this campaign, there's quite a few that I can now scratch off:
15 Howlers aka tactical squad
10 Snarlers aka Devastator squad
5 Tearers aka Assault squad
5 Trackers aka jet cycle squad
6 Wolf Time characters
11 Ork Nobz. I originally thought I could get away with 5 but after I got some clarification on the Oldhammer forum I realised that I'd need more....ll actually, the last being for a character model.
1 Ork Character model Kulo
Couple of terrain pieces
Dungeon floor plans No#1
Dungeon rooms
Judge Dredd Citi-Block floor plans
So far , if I disregard The Wolf Time thing for a moment, painting up an army has been a whole new experience for me. Sure, I've
collected enough minis to have an army.......probably a few times over if I'm honest. But I've never actually sat down, planned out a force and painted them to completion before. This project, thus far, has taken me a bloody long time though, almost from the end of March this year! How all the cool kids who bang out armies for modern 40K do it on a regular basis, while still maintaining a modicum of enjoyment in the process, I'll never know?
I'll be taking a little break from The Wolf Time for a short while. I wanna catch up on some of my unfinished projects first, namely my Hovertank & Siege Dreadnought :)
Anyway, thats it from me :)
May you all have a Merry Xmas and eat so much that you become violently unwell :P