Trolls, they aren't the brightest of creatures are they. In WFB you didn't need to worry about them unless you were stuck in hand-to hand with them though, or unfortunate enough to be within vomiting range....aarrrghh!!!!!
In RT? You don't need to worry about them at all as they never made it in. Fast forward a couple of decades and a few companies have tried to remedy GW's little oversight by creating their own version of what they think an RT Troll might look like. For the most part I think they look pretty good, and if I was so inclined I would have bought one myself. But being the habitual tinkerer that I am I decided to have a crack at making my own from an old Marauder Troll. What follows is that creation:
Chosen subject for my conversion. |
Standing proud a top a plinth of arse paper. |
Coz he's now ready to be coloured in. |
And here he is all painted up.
This particular Troll's Melta-gun is fed it's special cocktail from two sources. One from his highly corrosive gastric juices. |
The other is from this jerry can, filled with whatever kerosene is known as in RT. |
I'm pretty sure that SM helmet isn't empty either :O |
The belt around his waist was made from paper. The buckle was taken from an old car model kit. |
I wrapped his wrist in chains to cover up his stone bracelet. Apparently they don't DO stone jewelry in the 41st millennium. |
So, that's another RT conversion done. What's next? Another beasty of course :)
Till next time.
Oh, looking awesome!
ReplyDeleteCheers :)
DeleteYour beach backdrop has to be the greatest thing that has ever happened to miniature painting. Love it man!
ReplyDeleteThe pimples/boils whatever look particularly gross.
You really like my little beach resort don't you Darrin :D My thinking is why would any of the nasty little beasties that we paint up ever want to stop and pose in the middle of a battle? I imagine this backdrop is the property of a travelling photographer. He goes from one warzone to the next, asking all and sundry if they'd like their photo taken. He's doing a roaring trade atm.
DeleteGlad you like the mini mate :)
I really like the use of a studded mk.6 pad for the elbow. The heavy weapon held one-handed is a great touch.
ReplyDeleteWeirdly, Chaos Trolls in 40K actually appear on the old Epic sprues alongside Minotaurs! And they appear in 40K lore as part of the Horus Heresy boardgame, where they are part of the force that assaults the Emperor's Palace on Earth. I loved that counter at Trolls felt so out-of-place in the scifi setting.
Epic passed me by as a teen. I've become more interested in it over the years, mostly for the artwork that I never knew existed. Now I find out they had Minotaurs and Trolls in it! It sounds better and better the more I learn about it.
DeleteI'm running out of different ways to say "glad you like my mini". What else can I say? Ummm, thanks? Yeah, that'll do.....thanks Curis :)
That's a great conversion and a fun fig, nice work.
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to see some of the less Grimdark side of the grim darkness of the 42st Millenium in a holiday backdrop too.
Two geeky observations:
40k kerosene = promethium.
A troll made it into the 40k setting in miniature in second edition epic, in the RT era. Never in 28mm AFAIK, as you mention.
Keep on keepin' on Papa!
Snap with Curis.
DeleteYes, he was bloody fast wasn't he :)
DeleteI was actually going to pose the question of what you might call it. Kerosenium, kerosenius were two of the choices, but I thought it sounded a bit pretentious, so it didn't make the cut.
The beach is take quite a long time to get old for me. I can't think of a single genre that it can't cater for. Besides, the pretend combatants we play with need somewhere to chill out don't they?
I'm cuffed that you dig my mini conversion Cheetor. I hope our mini's can shoot at each other next time I'm over your way.
Cheers mate :)
I absolutely love that there is a tube going from his belly to the gun. That is freaking brilliant!
ReplyDeleteThanks Andrew, the gut of a Troll is a marvelous reservoir of filth and destruction. What better way to harness its full potential than to use it to power a Melta-gun :)
DeleteCheers mate.
These conversions are inspired. Great stuff Papa!
ReplyDeleteThanks Sean :) I get a kick out of doing them too.
DeleteMan now I wanna do space Trollz.....absolutely love the end result. Been fun watching the progression. 😎
ReplyDeleteYahhhh!!! Space Trolls!! I'd love to see other people making them too. Glad you like how he turned out mate. It was fun putting him together. His brother should turn out ok too, with that big fuck off gun of his.
DeleteWe will definitely be playing shooty games with him together in the future man :)
That's very cool. There were trolls in an army list for Daemon worlds in the back of a really old Chaos codex - maybe the first one, not counting the Lost and the Damned books. Anyway, he looks cool and I'm surprised the orks don't have trolls. Perhaps he could count as a killa kan?
ReplyDeleteWas there? Really?? Can you remember which edition? I'd love to see that. As to how I'll use him in game, I don't really play strictly to the rules anyway. I'm still stuck in the RT era so I'll just use him as is, lifting his stats straight from WFB 3rd. I might take his vomiting skill away, maybe only let him do it if he hasn't fired his weapon that round or something :)
DeleteGlad you like him Toby, I'm pretty pleased with him myself.
Cheers mate.
Second edition.
DeleteThe chaos codex has a daemon world army list allowing you to field all sorts of fantasy units. Including trolls. (I don’t recall off the top of my head whether you could buy them high tech equipment, like you could for the Minotaurs or beastmen)
Thanks Orjetax! I'll check that out. Cheers :)
DeleteThat's the one. It's got Abbadon on the front. It's a bit of a wacky list if I remember rightly, and it also includes minotaurs. I miss the days when you could have pretty much anything in a Chaos army.
DeleteKeep the vomiting. Nice work.
Mate, I love it! Some really great little touches here, particularly the SM helmet all fucked up
ReplyDeleteThanks Ed, glad you like the fucked up helmet too. For me, those individual elements are key to making a conversion work, at least in RT anyway. Graffiti, badly spelt insults, wielding fucked up pseudo science gizmos etcetera......those kinds of things, and more, are what screams RT to me in conversions.
DeleteAnyway, it's great that you like what i did to him Ed.
Cheers :)
Wow, that's tremendously creative! I love how you sorted out the details, that's what make the difference. Cool!!
ReplyDeleteHey Suber :)
DeleteWhat's the saying again? "The devil is in the details". In RT at least that's true isn't it. The more gubbins and elaborately conceived, but ultimately useless, devices you can cram onto a mini/vehicle is the epitome of RT.
But I'm preaching to the converted here, your a dab hand at this stuff too Suber. You're latest walking vehicle is testament to your ability.
Thanks man :)
That's brilliant man!!
ReplyDeleteCheers mate :)
DeleteThis is 100% what an RT troll does look like. It is a perfect rendition of the model that we probably should have had. I wonder why one was never made? Perhaps there is an unreleased RT troll out there that will one day emerge, blinking, from his long slumber.
ReplyDeleteI think everyone has covered all the bases already - the stomach bile tube is a lovely touch, as is the Marine helmet adornment. He's a very successful and believable creation - great job!
Yeah, good point Axiom, I wonder if they ever did? Maybe they decided, just as they did with undead for a long time, not to include them as they were too fantasy. It's an odd thing to ponder on isn't it, why some things made it through and some didn't.
DeleteAnyway, like I've said in the past, these omissions by GW have left open plenty of green pastures for us old grognards to play around in. So it's not such a bad thing from that perspective.
I'm super pleased that you like him Axiom. I'll definitely be bringing him to BOYL next year so we'll get to see what he can do.....if he can pass his stupidity test that is :)
Cheers mate.
"One from his highly corrosive gastric juices."
ReplyDeleteThat is so wonderfully gross. Totally Troll appropriate. :)
Can you imagine how bad that weapon must smell? Especially when it fires! Like someone ripped the biggest fart and then added a few dead cats into the mix. Ruuuuunnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteCheers Major :)
That is just an absolutely stunning and hilarious idea for a troll conversion. All my hats go off to you, Mr. Papafakis.
ReplyDelete(My favourite part of my orc army is my unit of trolls, and my favourite part of my trolls is when they dissolve my enemy hero is a torrent of synchronized vomiting. O the glory!)
Thanks Matthew, that's very kind of you to say :)
DeleteI'm happy with how the ugly bastard turned out too.
I like that story, that was what all people who fielded trolls hoped that they be in a position to do. Unfortunately all they really ever did was stare out the ground while battle ensued around them.
I've got one more on the go at the moment, but he'll take a little longer to get finished. I'm waiting for some bits to arrive from across the pond, then I'll get stuck into him again.
Cheers mate :)
This one is wonderful too!
ReplyDeleteWonderfully dumb, but deadly?
DeleteCheers Skully :)